Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Strange Choices

 Here I am thinking about what I should write about today... I was going through some magazines and found an article called  "Worst Snacks in the Frozen Aisle." This list included cheesecake, ice cream, mozzarella sticks, and Hot Pockets. When I think about it, is that really so strange? Someone is eating this stuff or it would not be in the aisles. Is this an exaggeration, so the next article being " Best Snacks in the frozen aisle," has a stronger impact?" I will follow up.  

As I continue my journey to eat clean, I look around my office and notice that I do not see anyone who brings their lunch, plans meals or talks about healthy eating. There is one person who does Weight Watchers, so she talks Points. People do ask me about snacks, but I don't ever see people eating what I have recommended. Maybe I should set up shop in the lunch room.

Tonight, I am trying a new upper body workout from Fitness Magazine...Speaking of Fitness Magazine, I entered a contest they had online. They are looking for someone who is doing their Second Half-Marathon. They want to document your training. I hope I win! I mean, really, how many people in New York City have only run one Half-Marathon, beside me???

No, this is not a picture of me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds great..hope it works out!
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