I am munching as we speak, on this pretty cool snack called KOOLOS. Don't be fooled by the package, they look like mini chocolate chip cookies. They are actually organic(sigh) roasted soybeans with ground flaxseed. Wait! Don't run away, they are really good. They come in three flavors: Salsa, Original and Honey BBQ.
http://www.seapointfarms.com/products.asp?cat=48&hierarchy=0. The whole bag has 420 calories, one serving is 140 calories. Very crunchy, loads of taste and 7gs of protein.

I am reading a book called The Complete Book of Running for Women by Claire Kowalchick. One of the suggestions was to run on asphalt, never on the sidewalk, and against traffic.So this morning, I did just that. While my knee felt better, the drivers were not happy to see me. Everyone was honking at me! The point of running against traffic is so you can see the cars, right?? I am going back and rereading that section of the book.