All I know is when I saw the name on the box, I had to pick it up. The box says- Newsweek Magazine acknowledges: "with tasty flavors like these, Bible Bread could be bigger than Bagels!" Not sure about that, but..really Bible Bread is legit!!!

Interesting...Bible Bread is super healthy, it must be with a name like that, right? Its a gourmet Crispbread that is sugar free, dairy free, and saturated fat free. Two crackers are 90 calories. I recommend the onion and poppy flavor. I also recommend a little bit of peanut and jelly though not with the onion and poppy flavor. That would be a disaster. Bible Bread fits into one of my goals to eat cleaner.
A person that eats clean generally practices the following: (So far, I have the
last bullet point- always eating breakfast down pat!)
- Eliminates refined sugar
- Packs healthy meals
- Makes healthy choices when dining out
- Drinks a lot of water
- Eats 5-6 small meals per day
- Eliminates alcoholic beverages (or significantly limits it)
- Always eats breakfast
Any clean eaters out there???
I wonder this will improve my chances of getting into Heaven;) Kidding. If these are gluten free, I might give them a try.
You never know!
I bet this would be good with a wedge of Laughing Cow. I don't know if we have these in Ohio yet but I will check online if we don't. Thanks for sharing!!
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