Monday, October 25, 2010

If Mom can't make you Chicken Soup...

Mentioned in my last post, I was out of commission most of the weekend recovering from dental surgery.
 I was thinking, great excuse to eat ice cream all weekend. What a treat! Fast forward to the supermarket. I was thinking what flavors would I try? What brand should I get? How much will I need for the weekend?.

Then I heard, "SCREACH" that even a word? Yes, I think car tires make that sound. Whatever it was, I heard it loud and clear. There are no excuses to have ice cream. If you want ice cream just eat it. You don't have to have a medical reason or a dental one in my case.

Although not as tasty as ice cream, but ultimately a much better decision and pretty darn tasty, I loaded up the basket with Healthy Choice Soup. One cup is 90 calories. For all the facts you need to know, go to:  There are TWO NIFTY Coupons waiting for you. Now don't get me wrong, the chicken noodle was all I could ask for.  I overbought and now I will be snacking on HC soup all week.!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow good for you! I definitely use food as a reward...or a pick me up...or a boredom suppressant. I love that "no excuses".

Came over from Hare. Have a great day!